17 Feb 2013

The hiatus is still going...

So yeah, I'm pretty sure everyone has noticed the lack of writing for a looooong while now...
and no, I wont be starting to write just yet.

Sadly I have felt that there has been tons of stuff for me to do, both in school and privately so after some things have settled down I will be writing again!

I am working on the new design and layout for this blog (although it is not top priority right now..).
I hope this new layout idea will work out~ it would be really cool~
and I could write about  different stuff that still interest me (and hopefully you as well :P ) but have some more structure to it!

That's it for now, I am still active on my instagram and tumblr http://somethinglike3d.tumblr.com/ , so feel free to check those out while I get some order back to my life! ^^