19 Aug 2014

Bout of books 11.0, day 2 update! + Book Spine Poetry

So I managed to finish my second book and I have started on the third, Dean Koontz's Frankenstein, prodigal son. So far it's been interesting, there has been a lot of characters introduced and I hope their relations to each other will be explained more as the plot thickens, which I am very sure it will.

Now I shall try and present my try on the Book Spine Poetry challenge. This was quite hard to achieve as a lot of my books are in different languages and I wasn't sure if I could mix different languages...so yeah, my choises were a bit limited but none the less I came up with this:

There is
Luck In the Shadows
This Charming man
with a
Heart of Brass
Only Human

The rules was to pick 6 books and get 6 extra words, I used: there, is, for, with, a and and.

Lets see if I can come up with a OTP to write about or if I'm just gonna head to bed now..

Bout of Books 11, day 1

So much for my resolution to draw constantly these last weeks before my move...instead I got sucked into the allure and festive feelings of the Bout of Books 11.0 readathon.

For those who doesn't know, a readathon is like a marathon but instead of running a lot, you read a lot.

So for this week I decided that I want to try and read 5-6 books, so that I don't have to bring them down to Malmö with me. I might have taken a bigger bite than I can chew considering that I am also reading 5 other books at the same time...
But so far I've finished one book and over halfway with the second.

The first book that I read was Asylum by Madeleine Roux, a YA (young adult) horror novel that was a fairly easy read with a pretty straight forward story and a cliffhanger at the end.

The book after that is the further adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Veiled Detective by David Stuart Davies and I am currently reading it.
Now this book is quite interesting actually. Mostly because Davies made some major changes to the characters and thus the storyline and due to his writing style the overall feeling of the books resembles the Sherlock BBC TV-series a lot. I have to check up when this was released and when the first pilot for the series was made. So far the novel has read like a movie for me, Davies and Doyle has very different writing styles and one  can tell very clearly that one of them is written during modern times trying to emulate an older writing style typical for the 1880s.
I could go on writing about this book, but I think I'm going to save it for a video review instead.

Aperantly there were this daily challenges as well that I missed to do, so I am making one of them below :

Bout of Books Scavenger Hunt

1. A Book that begins with “B”  (for Bout of Books!)

2. A book that has been made into a movie/tv show

3. A series you love

4. An anthology of poems or short stories

5. A book on your TBR shelf, or your full TBR shelves

That's about it for now. I'll be back later with this days challenges and stuff I think! 

14 Aug 2014

July wrap up video is up!

Woop Woop

Uploaded a new video on youtube (finally). This time it is the July wrap up  that most booktubers feels obliged to film. Not saying it's a bad thing, far from it, just getting a recap on the month do help (at least) me personally to see how much time I've spent reading and often on how big books as well.

This month I ended up reading only 2 books and some graphical novels. Although I did finish Dune and some other books in the beginning of August (can't believe it's really August).

It really does feel like summer is over. It's been rainy and not so warm this last week...feels like I can start anticipating Halloween now (not that we celebrate Halloween that much, but I do love a party where I can dress up).
Aaanyway, I did not mean to start rambling about other stuff with this post!

I hope you enjoy the video and I shall write yet again!

9 Aug 2014

Getting back to blogging?

Herm yes. 
Not that I think that my hiatus here left any sort of hole in ones daily life, I will still announce the uninteresting fact that yes, I am going to start blogging again. 

And to make things extra original I will add this phrase as well: This time it will be different! 

Maybe not so trust inducing, now is it? 

But 'lo and behold, I am not writing it for your entertainment/enjoyment/annoyment, I am writing it for me. 
Some might ask "why the f**** don't you write it somewhere else then stupid?" 
And to thee I want to say, because I want to! 
I have already this page sort of set up (yup you got it, gonna make me some graphis design changes!) and I feel that writing that sort of commitments where anyone can read it, puts more pressure on it, and being a person who is most efficient under pressure (yay for day-before-deadline-writing!) this is something good. 

But why start again now? 

Well my curious friend ('cause if you've read this far then curiosity must be one of your biggest traits), I am starting a new chapter in my life. 

I graduated from university with my diploma for computergames graphics, which means that I am now on the jobmarket. Naturally, that means that I'm going back to school to "study" some more. 
This time it will be comics!! (Woop woop childhood dreams coming true woop woop!) 
To study this I'll have to move to another city (from stockholm to malmö), which means leaving all my friends, life and comfort for something completely knew and scary. 

I am a habits based person, something like this stresses me out and gives me tummy aches :c 

But here I am, on my way home on a train from Malmö, where I've been checking up rooms for rent, so that I don't have to live on the street when school finally starts. 

And things are starting to feel real and I oddly enough, am not feeling panick creeping up behind me, latching on to my back for a piggybackride. 

Instead I am thinking on how to make this an oportunity to do more of the stuff that I kinda forget after a while. Like blogging. 

So with this crazy move to another city, I want to finally start blogging and youtubing on a regular basis, draw a lot and paint more, and over all be more active both online and offline (because seriously, these last few weeks I might as well been a hermit with no internet, living on an island on a finnish lake, with only a sauna and the mosqitous as my friends, when considering the amount of socializing I did). 

I also want to find my voice/style in both blogging and vlogging. I've found a couple of blogs that I really love and realized it's been the superb way they have utilized the english language to fit their style. 
It has inspired me to start writing, but sadly I pretty much suck at it. Never the less I wont give up! 

Because, as I wrote in the beginning, I am writing this for me, not you.